Practical information

Cost of training for 2024/2025:
- 5900.00€ for initial training per year.
- 8000.00€ for continuing education per year.

In 2021/2022, the IFMK Vichy means:

- 384 students spread over 4 classes
- 90 new students for the 1st year, excluding exempt candidates and non-EU candidates

Our course takes place over 4 years
Fundamental Aspects
(120 ECTS)
2nd CYCLE :
Practical Aspects (120 ECTS)
Basic SciencesPhysiotherapy adapted to the pathologies of individual apparatuses
Physiotherapy sciencesClinical research
HumanitiesEnglish applied to physiotherapy
Clinical researchWriting, validation and presentation of the end-of-study dissertation
Professional EnglishStages (24 weeks)

(18 weeks)


To learn how to get acceptance for the training, please consult the "Admissions" tab of the main menu of our site.

IMPORTANT :  The issuance of a medical certificate drawn up by an ARS approved doctor attesting that the student does not present any physical and psychological contraindications to the exercise of the profession of physiotherapist is necessary.

Our disability manager is available for any further information.

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