Becoming a Trainer

As part of its policy of recruiting new trainers, the management wishes to hire professionals wishing to get involved in the pedagogical field of the transmission of professional knowledge and know-how.

Thus, the IFMK regularly recruits new professionals as part of the missions of referents and directors of thesis at the end of studies. These missions require a real desire to transmit and accompany our students from the candidates.

The student's pedagogical referent is the professional who accompanies the student in the acquisition of his skills. He is particularly involved in the regulation of clinical internships and the validation of their written and/or oral productions. He also helps the student early in the formulation of his internship objectives or during his self-assessment. It suggests to the CAC the validation (or not) of the internship.

The end-of-studies work tutor is the professional who will accompany the student throughout the 3rd and 4th years of training at the IFMK, in the orientation, conceptualization, writing and presentation of his work. This mission requires a good mastery of clinical and/or social research methodology.

Whatever the chosen mission, support and training are organized by the Institute's management. As part of the desire to integrate new employees on a sustainable basis, the IFMK sets up a dynamic of support for each newcomer including, on the one hand, training adapted to the chosen mission but also the organization of a "senior" logic (educational framework of the IFMK) / junior (newcomer) allowing not only to provide quality support to each student but also to guarantee a gradual acquisition of skills by the new  trainers and thesis directors. These missions are carried out during vacations in compliance with the professional exercise workload of everyone.


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